• collage

    i’m in my coastal granny collage era and it shows. i mix it up with digital and analog collage.

  • amateur design

    who has 10 fingers, builds squarespace sites (like this one), and lives on canva? (it’s me)

    would you like me to build you a simple website? let me know. i’ll be doing some pro bono work in 2024 (ex. - building portfolios for job seekers or helping nonprofits with their websites)

  • mentoring

    i mentor and advise earlier career people and pivoting people in tech, including through all tech is human, built by girls, and one-off. get in touch on linkedin if i can help you. i love meeting new people and talking about goals, and i’m usually up for a 1:1 zoom or a resume review.

  • t&s/tech industry work

    i’m active in tspa and the integrity institute communities, and lead a dsa-related discussion group. i contributed to a legal and regulatory education chapter for tspa’s curriculum in 2023.

    i currently serve on the leadership committee of technologists for the public good.

    i would love to work on more t&s industry projects in the future. let me know if you have ideas.

  • building community

    a 2024 goal! i had a former career era as a community manager and sometimes the bug bites me again. i recently started a casual social club for nyc women who are the arts & craftsy type / are recovering from their tumblr era.

  • consulting

    i consult for people, brands, and startups. historically i’ve consulted across all areas of my expertise, but i’m limiting my consulting gigs to just community management and content-related stuff right now (no t&s, compliance, or social tech). get in touch if i can help.

  • writing fiction

    i’m not doing much of this right now because it requires so much creative energy which i’m currently violently directing into collage, but it’s something i enjoy now and then and always

  • probably over-extending myself

    i manage priorities pretty well, but writing all this out has made me realize i’m also probably doing too much at once. i’m working on better boundaries and taking space for rest and chill time